
2019 RHF CrossFit In-House Open

February 23- March 23, 2019

The CrossFit Open is upon us! If it is your first or 50th CrossFit competition, this is a great non-intimidating way to evaluate your performance and participate in some friendly competition alongside the community you train with. The in-house competition registration fees will be re-invested in our CrossFit gym. All workouts are scaled.

How do you get involved?

Step 1: Register for the RHF CrossFit In House Competition by February 16th.

$20 for Registration only

Step 2: Attend the five-week five-workout Saturday open 9:30am-11:30am from Feb 23- March 23. With a potluck party on March 23. Make up sessions available.

Step 3: Have fun!

For additional information, don’t hesitate to email Jessica at rhfcrossfit@rainierhealth.com at any time.


*All proceeds will go into improving RHF CrossFit as a non-profit gym. If you have any questions or need a tax-deductible receipt, please let us know.