RHF CrossFit COVID-19 Protocols & Procedures

General Information:

Maximum Member Attendance Per In-Person Class: 8 members

Visitors and Members Not Permitted:

  • Children or non-participants are not permitted to wait within the gym building at this time.

  • High-risk members are not permitted at this time. High-risk members include: people over the age of 65 and people with serious underlying medical conditions like chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthma, and people who are immunocompromised.

  • Members cannot enter if they have been diagnosed with COVID-19 (have not recovered or are still within the required 14-day quarantine).

  • Members with symptoms of COVID-19 (within the last 24 hours) or had contact with a person that has or is suspected to have COVID-19 (within the last 14 days).


Safety & Social Distancing:

  1. Social distancing guidelines of at least 6 feet of separation to the greatest extent possible must be maintained by every person in the facility at all time.

  2. Signage at entrances and throughout the gym will instruct members of the enhanced social distancing requirements.

  3. Cleaning towels and trash cans are available throughout the gym.

  4. Training equipment such as bikes and rowers will be placed at a minimum of 6 feet apart from one another.

  5. Mobile equipment such as dumb bells, kettlebells, or bands will be kept within an individual’s station.

  6. Classes will end with 10 minutes or more between classes to allow for social distancing in the gym and proper sanitization of equipment.

Procedures & Protocols – Members:

  1. Members are required to bring their own water bottles.

  2. Enter through front door only. If multiple people present waiting to be checked in, line up at the front door spaced at least 6 feet apart.

  3. Each member will sign a waiver of consent and commitment to RHF CrossFit’s Safety & Health Requirements.

  4. RHF staff will take your temperature prior to entry and may ask you the following questions:

    1. Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?

    2. Are you experiencing a couch, shortness of breath, or sore throat?

    3. Have you had a fever, 100.4 or above, in the past 48 hours?

    4. Have you had a loss of taste or smell?

    5. Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?

  5. Those who are fully vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine are able to be in the RHF CrossFit building without a mask on. If you have not been vaccinated, you are required to continue to wear a mask-- Please let us continue to care well for our neighbors and community.

  6. Staff will assign you a designated station in the gym for you to complete the workout that provides ample space between other members. Please keep all of your belonging in that space only.

  7. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer prior to using and cleaning equipment.

  8. Clean all equipment in your station prior to the WOD. Each station will have its own cleaning supplies.

  9. Clean all equipment in your station after the WOD.

  10. Exit the gym via the rear door in a timely manner to allow for additional cleaning by staff and preparing for the next class.